Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The life of a student...what life??

Sincere apologies to my readers who have been hoping for a new the title indicates, school has taken over my life lately. If I'm not in class, I'm eyeballs-deep in a book or at my laptop reviewing power points or typing up study guides. Sounds fun right? The only thing that is keeping me going is knowing that this year is just a mean's to an end. On the positive side...I'm LOVING my psych classes! Just proves that I was in the wrong major the first time. I seriously come home talking about topics discussed in my Abnormal Psych and Behavioral Neuroscience lectures...drives Big Guy up the wall, but he's great at the "nod and smile" routine to humor me. He was, however, intrigued from what I  had to say when we talked about sex and hormones in my Neuroscience class. *wink* On the negative side...I HATE STATISTICS!!! I am praying for a "c", I'll just leave it at that. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I endure through this year of being an undergrad once again, I'm very very tired already!

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