Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Statistics, AKA The Devil's Mathematics

When I graduated (the first time), the first thought that crossed my mind as I walked across the stage was "Thank you Lord, I never have to take another math class again!" Little did I know that a.) I'd be going down the undergrad road again, and b.) I would have to suck it up and take yet another math class. Well, here I am a year later after leaving the adult workforce and still in school...and about to give statistics the good ole 3rd try...yes you read that right, the 3rd &^%$#*+>} try...between the first professor being a banana-peel-slip away from death who gave up in the middle of the semester, and the 2nd teacher who had THE worst understanding of the English language and would teach us 2+2=4 in class and then ask us to calculate the mass of the sun after a full rotation around the Earth on the tests, needless to say I have yet to gain a confident learned ability of the math class from hell...
I always considered myself a fairly intelligent person due to my abundance of common sense and grasp for certain concepts that most "intellects" fail to seize themselves. But when it comes to statistics, I swear Satan himself is forming a conspiracy for me to never get to graduate school...P-values? Frequency distributions? Central Limit Theorem? Binomial probability distributions? Just the thought of this crap makes me want to sit in the corner, cross-eyed, and suck my thumb while rocking back-and-forth as a self-soothing mechanism...pray for me!!!